
Re: booting kernels made with mklinuximage

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Pat Villani wrote:

> Could it be a non-Intel issue?  I have a
> Cyrix 6x86MX box.
That's conspicuous...  A number of cyrix chips have had bugs in them.(At
the computer store I used to work at, cyrix was not a brand of processor
that was thought of fondly)  TTYL! 

Paul Anderson - Self-employed Megalomaniac
Member of the Sarnia Linux User's Group
"The RX-900 battleship can be used in two modes, PEACE and WAR.  When in PEACE
mode, the RX-900 is suitable for saving young children and bunny rabbits,
when set in WAR mode, it is capable of leveling New York in three seconds."
