
Re: GPL Liscensing on New Release: What Gives?

Okay, I think that we've gotten a bit far-afield from the purpose of
oskit-users, which is ostensably to discuss the oskit itself, and not
discuss the license of the oskit.

Therefore, there's a new list in town:  oskit-flames@flux.cs.utah.edu

If you want to flame, or have content-empty discussions about the GPL
vs the BSD license, please send them to oskit-flames@flux.cs.utah.edu.

To subscribe, send mail to oskit-flames-request@flux.cs.utah.edu.

Lo and Behold, Tony Taylor said:
> Wouldn't PT Barnum be proud!
> Tony

  I'm interpreting this as a "please subscribe me to oskit-flames,
Dave" message.

  Let me reiterate this a bit.  The majority of the oskit developers,
and many of the serious users of the oskit, are on oskit-users.  It
would be very nice to keep the signal to noise ratio high on this list 
without having to start doing things like moderating the list.  This
GPL thread needs to migrate to -flames.

  Sorry for the insertion of administrivia.


work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah                            http://www.angio.net/
      Computer Science - Flux Research Group
