
Re: library dependencies

	Dumb question:

	Is there a tree diagram of what libraries depend on what other
	libraries? (or just a list?)

	The docs sometimes say that a library depends on another, but notevery
	one lists dependencies, and GNU ld is very sequence sensitive...

This is not a dumb question.  Dealing with linking order is a hassle
right now and is even worse if you're overriding some functions.

Unfortunately, there is not such a diagram or list, although long ago
we started to make one in doc/intro.tex, it was never finished (you
can see the remnants there).

What people around here often do is a hack: list the libs multiple times,
as mentioned in gprof.tex:
    If the above doesn't work, try including the libs more times
    (yes, this is bogus).
Easier than figuring out The Right Thing.

Right now Leigh Stoller is working on making binding more dynamic
which should improve things by lessening inter-lib static
dependencies.  This will also help support dynamic linking.  Perhaps
he or others have something to add.
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