
Re: Fwd: What's wrong with this picture?

> From: Geoff White <geoffw@cybertribe.com>
> Subject: Fwd: What's wrong with this picture?
> Does anyone else have this problem? I'm pretty much stuck, my
> compile environment is a FreeBSD box, I know at lease one other
> person had a very similar compile problem ( gb@viscomvisual.com )
> can anyone out there shead some light on this?

The i486-oskit-gcc script sets the GCC_EXEC_PREFIX environment
variable to force gcc to read the oskit specs file instead of the
builtin rules. Either that specs file was not installed properly
(should be in the install directory, at top level), or your gcc front
end is ignoring that environment variable. I suspect that is the
problem, since several other people have had the same problem,
although I think all those people were compiling on Linux boxes.

You might need to take a look at your compiler tools ...


Leigh B. Stoller                     Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu                  University of Utah
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