
Re: How to write a Kernel Q2


Follow up question to Leigh: Please bear with my questions Im a newbie :-)

Sorry but Im planning to used the oskit without touching any of its source but
thanks for the info I will just have a peek on the code I think.

>  main()
>      {
>           printf("Hello World");
>      }


1. So the program above during its execution is already in protected mode?
2. Is the IDT already initialize? How can I put my own traps like for example
Id like to create my own customized traps for divide overflow, memory
protection. etc.
3. Can anyone show me how to initialize a call gate? Just one simple function
will do. :-)
4. How can I find the starting free memory if the program above is in protected
mode and the model is flat. Also with the max menory. Does oskit have any
function to get those info?

Thanks in advance. :-)


ps. Can I design without ever tackling any asm in oskit yet get at least a
optimized kernel? Id like to program in C, C++ thats why I have chosen oskit. I
think its a nice kit for me. I just to leave the ASm thing to the developers of
oskit. btw Id like to thanks all the guys who are involve in the oskit project.

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