
Re: linuxfs_probs

 I don't think the OSKit supports named pipes at this time.
You should be able to use unnamed pipes, however.

	- Godmar

> Hi,
> because I need to exchange data between an oskit_socket-implementation and my Java protocol stack, I use named pipes for the moment. I can read and write regular files on my Linux-fs with the Oskit. With named pipes however, problems arise, both when trying to read or write.
> Oskit is giving me the following output when attempting to read or write to a named pipe:
> ___________________________
> Dump of trap_state at 0x00171ea0
> ... some registers
> trapno 13, error 00000000, from kernel mode
> ...
> terminates due to trap
> backtrace fp=171e54
> _exit(1) called
> ____________________________
> Any help is welcome.
> =================================
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