
Re: kernel too big

Lo and Behold, Naomaru Itoi said:
> I compiled the console_tty example kernel in examples/x86/threads in
> Linux-2.0.36 (RedHat-5.2), did mklinuximage, ran LILO, and received
> this message: 
> Kernel
> /usr/local/src/oskit-0.97/examples/x86/threads/zImage.console_tty is
> too big  
> Is there any way to run it from LILO, or should I use GRUB?  LILO
> mini-HOWTO tells how to deal with compressed Linux kernels, but not
> other kernels ...

   It's a problem with LILO; it can't handle large kernels.  Linux
includes a hack to get around it (if you've seen your kernel "make
bzImage" target), but it does this by loading a second-stage
bootloader, which then loads the overstuffed kernel.

   We don't provide support for kernels larger than those LILO can
handle.  GRUB is probably your best bet (think of it as manually
loading your second stage bootloader. :)

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