
Re: Stack in OSKIT

I'm having a similar problem in regards to changing the stack segment. I'm
not using the OSKIT's GDT support, so it's not the case of running past
the end of the available entries. I've made sure esp is within the limits
of the new segment before I change the SS value, I've checked the actualy
GDT entry numerous times, and I still can't get it to work either. Just in
case I've missed something that someone else might notice, here is my gdt
It's supposed to be a 512Kb segment, starting at 0x200000 (2MB). It is
segment 0x08 (i.e. the first entry past the first unused entry). Thanks
for any assistance.

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		  Starship Voyager
| Voon-Li Chung	        | Star Trek Fan, UWA PhD Student,      |
| vlchung@cs.uwa.edu.au | Babylon 5 Fan. TheatreSports Player  |
| Web Page: http://www.cs.uwa.edu.au/~vlchung	               |

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