
Re: BOOTP misconfigured or bug?

At 08:43 AM 3/12/99 -0700, David G. Andersen wrote:
>Lo and Behold, Geoff White said:
>> Hello All,
>> 	Rolling along getting OSKit to fly on a DIMMPC, I've managed to get
>> 	a version of the Crystal Semiconductor Ethernet Driver to respond to the
>> 	The server is a FreeBSD box running 3.0 my command line to start bootp is
>> 	/usr/libexec/bootp -d4 /etc/bootptab
>> and bootptab currently contains...
>> vm=auto
>Try sticking in the vm=rfc1048 line.  Ping back to the list if that
>doesn't work.

Still not working, I've instrumented the drivers.c code in boot/net and it
looks like bootp()
is not returning any packet. I 've snooped the net so I can see the bootp
server responding to the  bootp request but the DIMM never seems to see it.
Maybe more problems in the ethernet driver.

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