
Re: Bootimage file size ?? of KaffeOS

"Sivaraman, Ganesh" wrote:
> Could you let us know as to how much should be the size of the BOOT IMAGE
> file for Kaffe OS. We just saw a mail which says that BOOT image file size
> was 900KB but ours is well over 4MB. Also u have replied in that mail that
> the image file can be very BIG with certain boot modules and debugging
> symbols.
> If thats the case then could u tell us as how to disable the unwanted
> stuf so as to reduce the image file size. Also would it hamper the booting
> process.

Look to that gcc don't have the -g option when you are compiling and
strip the image after the link (strip is in the GNU binutils package).

Johan Rydberg
Net Insight AB         	http://www.netinsight.se
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