
Re: ethernet driver problem

Lo and behold, Roland McGrath once said:
> >   Ah... I'll add the patch, but what about the other drivers ? Do they fail
> > to autodetection as well ? Cause the tulip is actually the main client
> > I want to test with. 
> I think that they do, but I do not have a tulip myself so I cannot
> verify for sure.  Another Utahn will have to weigh in.

I'm pretty sure this is correct.  (At least, our tulips fail to
autodetect).  The change, however, is a simple one, included below.  The
tulip driver *does* support autodetection, but I haven't tried it out.
(Anyone?  Anyone?).  If you're interested, instead of changing the
TULIP_PORT to TULIP_100TP_PORT, try changing it to TULIP_AUTO_PORT in the
patch below.  Otherwise, this patch to oskit.../linux/src/drivers/net/tulip.c
will lock the port at 100Mb.


diff -u -r1.5 tulip.c
--- tulip.c     1998/02/23 22:58:48     1.5
+++ tulip.c     1999/07/17 17:28:59
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #define        TULIP_MAX_PORT          3
 #define        TULIP_AUTO_PORT         -1

+#define TULIP_PORT                     TULIP_100TP_PORT
 #ifndef        TULIP_PORT
 #define        TULIP_PORT                      TULIP_10TP_PORT

work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah CS Department         http://www.angio.net/

   "If you haul a geek up a crack, you will bloody their fingers for a day...
    If you teach a geek to climb, you will bloody their fingers for life."

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