
Re: ethernet driver problem

On 1999-7-19 Kristin Wright <kwright@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
 > autodetect didn't work for me...at least a few months
 > ago it didn't. 

I think it only works if you hardcode TULIP_PORT to 10TP.

I know that when I would install a new netboot there it would
work whether the machine had a 100 or 10 speed link.
Unless I had TULIP_PORT hardcoded to 100.

>From looking at the driver this makes sense.  When the
driver has a xmit timeout it bumps the if_port and calls
port_select.  TULIP_100TP_PORT is one more than TULIP_10TP_PORT.
So if you hardcode TULIP_PORT to 10TP, then it will try 100TP
next.  But if you hardcode it to 100TP, tickssofar will cause
tulip_start_xmit to fail before it wraps back to TULIP_10TP_PORT.

-- bart
