
more newbie questions...

Hi...sorry for bothering you...but I have several more questions:
1) Since floppy driver is not implemented,  how would I go about
doing this stuff myself, I need to be able to write/read ext2fs
from the floppy. Of course, I can just read the whole floppy directly
into memory, but then I won't be able to use OSkit's file system
libraries, right?
2) When any initilization is called there is whole bunch of stuff
displayed on stdout, about probing etc. is there a way to buffer that in
a pointer, but not display it, cause I am really unable to read what had
scrolled upwards.
3) Why OSkit's kernels are so huge? the linux fs read sample kernel is
like almost a meg in size, even after stripping it. If I want to be able
to make full featured bootable floppies for my system. it's just if I
scheduling, shell, network drivers, and file system it would take 3
floppies, that is really not good for me. A ny suggestions?
4) Where can I find information on how exec loader libary loads the
executables,  with what stack? where does it grow?

5) not a question but a suggestion, I think OS-Kit documentation should
have more numbers, less theory...
