
Re: Overriding stuff from OSKit libs, some random remarks, and patches

Ramon van Handel <vhandel@chem.vu.nl> writes:

> Michael Hohmuth wrote:
> > One area where I did have trouble was convincing the linker that it
> > should actually use stuff from my library and not from the OSKit's
> > libraries.  For example, the linker liked to use osenv_irq_enable()
> > from liboskit_dev and not from my lib even though my lib was first on
> > the command line because this symbol was first used from within
> > liboskit_dev.
> [snip]
> > There ought to be a better way.  How do you solve this problem?
> Well, here's an idea:  perhaps all OSKit symbols should be declared
> "weak" [...]

Unfortunately, this doesn't work as well as I thought at first.  Even
if all symbols in the OSKit libraries are weak, they are still
preferred over non-weak symbols in my own library as described above.

So I'm back at sucking in my library's objects via kludges in header

hohmuth@innocent.com, hohmuth@sax.de

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