
Re: OSKit and processes

>I'm not sure I understand your LTD statement then ...

Hmm...  I'm not quite sure how to explain what I mean.  I want all processes 
to be in the same flat address space but protected from each other, as 
opposed to how Unix does things where everything is in its own address 
space.  I am still in the early planning stages though and would love to 
hear other people's analysis of the pros and cons of this memory model.

>Mike already talked about the LMM. The thread library is just your standard
>pthread implementation. When compiled without SMP locking, it is reasonably


>See code appended below. The spawn.c file lives in the oskit/threads
>directory. It relies on some entrypoints that I added to the RTLD library
>(which are already included in the snapshot). Those entrypoints load and
>unload shared object files. A second file, called crtd.c lives in
>oskit/crt, and provides an _start entrypoint for the executable to be
>loaded. A third file multiboot_dyn.S lives in oskit/crt/x86, and moves the
>multiboot header into the .interp section. You will need to make some
>changes to the GNUmakerules for the last two. Be aware that I was just
>futzing around with this stuff, and its not intended to be production
>quality, or any kind of quality at all! Also, I kinda doubt that this is
>what you are looking for, but have fun with it in any case.

Thanks.  I will let you know if I do anything interesting with it.


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