
OSKit documentation

Hello. I have spent several hours the past few days going through the OSKit 
source.  I have gleaned a lot of information from the sources, but it is 
very slow going; I am curious as to whether or not there is any more 
information available on OSKit internals other than the 500 page manual.

Also, does anyone know where to get the POSIX threads specification?

On another note, how is fork() usually implemented in a single-address-space 
operating system?  sbrk()?  And do they usually have problems with 
address-space fragmentation?

I have placed a public domain text on operating system internals on 
http://pan.voced.iup.edu.  I don't think it is the best OS textbook ever 
written, but it is fairly easy to read and might be helpful to people who 
have no formal training on operating system construction.

Thank you very much for your help,

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