
Re: oskit-990722 and kaffe-1.0.5

> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile the aforementioned combination with unfortunately
> little success. Oskit itself builds and installs fine, and kaffe compiles,
> but does not link, due to same symbols (signal-related, such as the
> sigaction array) being defined both in liboskit_threads.a and 
> liboskit_freebsd_c_r.a
> What am I doing wrong? I'm building on a RedHat Linux 5.1 machine,
> with gcc 2.7. I did succeed in getting oskit-0.97 and kaffe-1.0.3
> to work, but this combination not.

First, make sure you don't build the OSKit in the source directory.
I believe that this necessity is the only thing Pat didn't fix when
he upgraded to 1.0b5.  (I think)

Second, you need to send us the exact output of your build if you want 
us to help you.

	- Godmar

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