
Re: console I/O setup

On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 09:34:02AM -0700, Alastair Reid wrote:

> If you look at the examples (eg examples/x86/hello.c), you'll see
> you're supposed to call oskit_clientos_init before doing anything.  If

  I'm unfortunately using a slightly old snapshot of 990402, cause I haven't
gotten my code to work with any of the newer releases. I was going to wait
to get this one thing working before I bite the bullet and upgrade. So I
assume for this older version, I should use something like startup_devices() ?
I have to be careful what I link in, cause the secondary loader must be less
than 32k... OSkit is nice, but not optimized at all for ROMing projects... So
I'm looking for the minimal additional code. I've poured all over the examples
and other source, but I was getting tired of trial and error...

  I only need the console to work for debugging. All the device and network
code works (using OsKit) using my implementation of a PXE ROM.

	- rob -

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