
Re: How to load modules via GRUB loader?

>	I made a disk that load my kernel (by GRUB). but I don't know
>	how to load other modules. at  this time, threads run codes that
>	are compiled and linked with kernel, but I want to load them as
>	a separate modules.
>	L4 micro-kernel run its user task as a separate modules, and load
>	them in memory by GRUB command:
>		kernel = (fd0)/.....
>		module = (fd0)/hello ------> for loading "hello"

You should read the multiboot specification:

When you load a module from a multiboot loader, it dumps the module binary
somewhere in memory and passes the relevant addresses through the multiboot
configuration structure.  You'll have to write code to interpet this structure,
and to parse the binaries using OSKit's ELF interpeter.

-- Ramon