
networking example kernels

Hi all:

	I am facing difficulties with the networking example kernels
provided along with the oskit-2000202 distribution. I tried to reduce the
complexity by framing a simple send_packet kernel which just sends packets
at fixed ports to some other host, but I recieved same errors (connect
fails)  every time.
The error message printed is:

0xac00.tulip	DEC 21040	Ethernet adaptor
Calling init_timecounter
Timecounter "oskit_dummy" frequency 100 Hz
Calling inittodr

bootp: Trying bootp with the tulip card (0:c0:f0:4c:1b:29)..

What is my IP address:
What is my default gateway:
What is my netmask:

tulip DEC 21040 Ethernet adaptor 00:c0:f0:4c:1b:29

connect errno: 0x8f100130 operation timed out
_exit(0) called, rebooting...
Press a key to reboot...

Thanks in advance
