
Re: networking example kernels

> From: Vishal Zinjuvadia <zvishal@ittc.ukans.edu>
> Subject: networking example kernels
> 	I am facing difficulties with the networking example kernels
> provided along with the oskit-2000202 distribution. I tried to reduce the
> complexity by framing a simple send_packet kernel which just sends packets
> at fixed ports to some other host, but I recieved same errors (connect
> fails)  every time.
> The error message printed is:

I'm afraid that your message does not contain enough detail to make a
reasonable guess. How about sending the code and what you do to build it
(the output of make would be good).


Leigh B. Stoller                     Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu                  University of Utah
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~stoller      Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (541) 929-2666                FAX: (801) 585-3743