
Re: linking to Math library with OSKit 20000202

> Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 18:35:55 -0200 (GMT+2)
> From: John Leuner <jewel@pixie.co.za>
> Subject: Re: linking to Math library with OSKit 20000202
> To: Mike Hibler <mike@fast.cs.utah.edu>
> ...
> and my first errors are:
> /home/jewel/oskit-install/lib//liboskit_threads.a(osenv_safe.o): In 
> function `safeinterface_query':
> /home/jewel/oskit-20000202/threads/osenv_safe.c:37: undefined reference to
> `osenv_safe_iid'
> ...
> So this is the thread library looking for references to what? It's
> confusing to see the file osenv_safe.c looking for symbol osenv_safe_iid.

Doh!  I missed something when looking at our specs file.  You gotta throw
in -loskit_com after including -loskit_freebsd_c.  A simpler fix is to use
the --start-group and --end-group constructs in ld.  When placed around a
group of libraries, it tells ld to iterate over all the libraries until it
can resolve no more symbols.  We have avoided giving in to this in general
as we want to keep the gruesome dependencies explicit and embarrass ourselves
into fixing them whereever possible.

> Is there any other documentation about resolving these link dependencies?

Not in the current OSKit.  Better handling of C-based components (in
particular the OSKit) is the goal of another project which is going on here.
Alastair Reid has mentioned this briefly before in at least one posting
(<200002141722.KAA23483@wrath.cs.utah.edu>) and can say more about it,
but briefly in "C Plus Units", each component ("unit") has a more formal
description which includes the dependencies of that component on other
components.  Armed with these descriptions, we can ensure that components
get glued together correctly.
