
Re: nameservice

Steve Ganje wrote:
> How can I load the machine with nameservice into the oskit?

If I understand the problem correctly, you've got a couple of options.

1) Don't use any names, just use IP addresses in your Java code.

2) Create a valid '/etc/hosts' in your boot image.  The networking
   code will look in there to resolve hostnames.

2) Supply nameserver information as part of the bootp information for
   the machine you're running the OSKit on.  (Assuming you're using

3) Set the start_nameservers environment variable to a list of IP
   addresses (one for each nameserver).  Unfortunately, this won't
   work because the code that's supposed to parse the variable will
   panic().  (See line 312 in startup/start_conf_network.c).  Please
   feel free to implement this and submit it back.  :)

4) Hardcode some nameservers into libstartup: (look for the
   'nameservers' variable in startup/start_conf_network.c, its an
   array of pointers to strings, one for each nameserver).

The same start_conf_network file has a comment at the top explaining
all of the various parameters that can be set (via the environment).


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
	      Success means never having to wear a suit.
