
Re: [Java OS]

    I'd like to start to develop a very simple O.S., I know about O.S. theory
and have good programming skils in c and a little bit of assembly. 

The questin Is where do I start?
What O.S. do I need to develop the code?
What tools do I need?

I'd apreciate your comments!!


Samuel Velázquez

Mark <sarge666@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to write a Java OS. 
> What the JDK needs to run is what follows:
> The host system must provide at least some primitive
> support for context-switching in order to support the
> Java run-time's multi-threading. 
> Abstract Windowing Toolkit relies on a particular host
> operating system to implement the windowing and
> graphics primitives; one needs to map the AWT classes
> to the window and graphics subsystem. 
> Networking classes rely on the host system to provide
> an implementation of a suite of standard network
> protocols; one needs to map the networking classes to
> the native networking code on the system. 
> The file-related I/O classes assume that there is an
> underlying file system which requires a map between
> the I/O classes and the host file system, and
> indirectly Java applets assume that a computer has
> drivers for devices like a keyboard, a mouse, and a
> display. 
> One also need to port the platform-dependent part of
> virtual machine to the particular system calls for
> memory allocation and thread management. 
> In order to meet the goal of providing Java Platform
> without a host operating system, one has to perform
> the following tasks:
> implement just enough kernel features to support the
> Java Virtual Machine. The Java kernel contains the
> low-level functions that are required by the Java
> Virtual Machine: booting, traps interrupts, threads,
> and the others. 
> leverage those kernel features and the Java Virtual
> machine so that we could write just enough Java code
> to support AWT, and the networking and file-related IO
> classes. Note that the Java Virtual Machine is not
> only used to interpret Java bytecodes but also used to
> handle exceptions, manage almost all of the RAM in the
> computer, and handle the simultaneous execution of
> multiple threads. 
> provide the drivers needed to control a display,
> network interface, mouse, and keyboard. All device
> drivers in JavaOS are written in the Java programming
> language. Those tasks that must be done by every
> drivers but cannot be done in pure Java code have been
> abstracted into two small support classes written in
> C. The methods of these two classes are not made
> available to any Java application. 
> ensure that we still support the full Java API. 
> Can the OSKit help me with this? Is there anything I
> would need to write my self that does not come with
> the OSKit? Anything I leave out? Thanks!
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Samuel Alfonso Velázquez Díaz

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