
RE: x86 physical memory probe?

Hi Jonathan,

> The biggest thing I'm currently confused about is who goes out and probes
> the physical memory configuration, how this gets passed to the initial
> memory map, and where the call is made to initialize that memory map. Clues
> greatfully accepted on this.

I remember being puzzled about this myself.
I think the answer is that the multiboot standard says that the kernel will be
started with a direct memory map so oskit kernels just assume it is so.
Likewise, the size of the memory is passed to oskit kernels in the
multiboot_info structure.

So the code to set the memory map and determine how much memory we have ought
to be in the boot loaders.  (Unfortunately, I don't have the code handy at the
moment so I can't point you at a specific instance or check whether they, in
turn, assume something about their state when they are started by the BIOS, by
PXE or whatever.)

Alastair Reid

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