
Re: x86 minimum processor

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Mike Hibler wrote:

> Doh!  We have left in some performance monitoring code.  It has since been
> pulled out.  I've included a diff vs. the "Labor Day" (09/01/2000) release.
> Don't know if this fixes all problems though.  I'm trying to scare up a
> working 486 box to test on...

I can probably fish out the 486 I was testing on before if necessary.

> We should be making a new release RSN as well.

Excellent.  I haven't done much with the OSKit (or Moab, which is my main
reason for using the kit thus far) but it certainly looks like it all has
promise.  The idea of wrapping up existing drivers was pretty good, and
keeping me away from the bare hardware is a good thing.  <g>

> Making the world safe for 486s,
> Mike

Aah, a man after my own heart.  They're not useless, you just need to put
decent software on them.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer

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