
Re: kaffe /lib

Umar Saif wrote:
> Hi,
> 	As far as I understand, Kaffe /lib has all the native code in a dynamically 
> linkable format?

You need to build a static version of kaffe (configure with
'--with-staticvm --with-staticlib').  That will put all of the native
library code into the Kaffe image.  The configure front-end script
config/i386/oskit/oskit-configure will do this, though.

However, the Kaffe run-time (specifically the libtool goo that
provides dynamic library support), still needs the .la files to find
some symbols or somesuch, even in a static version.  Its stupid, but
that's how it works...

> Then why does mkimage.sh only links the .la files and not .a's
> themselves --- when and where are these files getting statically
> linked with KaffeOS bootable image ? (and what would I need to do if
> I want to get rid of e.g. libnet.a ?)

If you want to get rid of libnet.a, I think you can just remove the
reference to it in configure.in, that will remove it from the Kaffe
link line... then install should copy it into the Kaffe install tree,
and the OSKit mkimage script shouldn't pick it up.

I haven't tried this, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was
nearly that simple.  Nothing is with autoconf+automake+libtool...


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
       Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep until noon!

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