
Re: Question about install

Ki-Hwan Kim wrote:
> After installation I tried to run sample program in
> examples directory.  I could run sample program in
> ./examples/unix direcotory but I couldn't run sample
> program in ./examples/x86 directory. (Whenn I ran this
> program, error message si "segment fault".

You might want to read the intro and roadmap sections of the documentation
(see the oskit web site). The unix directory are usermode versions of
the actual oskit kernels (the programs in ./examples/x86). They need to be
run on raw hardware, either by converting to a linux binary (mklinuximage)
or by using grub or some other multiboot loader.

> Another question is how can I know whether OSKit is
> successfully install or not?

The "make" will exit with a zero exit status ...

I don't see much in your output to indicate what went wrong. What versions
of gcc, bunutils (ld, as) are you running?


Leigh B. Stoller
University of Utah, Flux Research Group
