
PCMCIA support


I've started to work on PCMCIA support for oskit. My goal is to
have network support for my labtop running Hurd. Here [1] you find
my first approach on this matter. I'm not sure if I do it compeletly
wrong, so pleasy give some feedback. That would be very nice. 

I'm using for this advanture the pcmcia-cs packet, but I didn't add 
the whole pcmcia-cs packet at once, only a small subset of it. 

So far, my small test kernel starts and probes for PCMCIA bridge.
Here is what I see on my screen:

Intel ISA/PCI/CardBus PCIC probe:
  TI 1251B rev 00 PCI-to-CardBus at slot 00:03, mem 0x100000000
    host opts [0]: [pci + serial irq] [no pci irq] [lat 168/176] [bus 0/0]
    host opts [1]: [isa irq] [no pci irq] [lat 168/176] [bus 0/0]
    *NO* card interrupts, polling interval = 1000 ms

As it seems I got the interrupts not right. The other thing is I'm not 
sure how to proceed. 


[1] http://www.vis.ethz.ch/~wagi/oskit

Daniel Wagner                       "Don't drink and derive."        
email: wagi@gmx.ch

GnuPG: 1024D/DCDE890A (public key available on any keyserver)
