
Re: Documentation..

"Ish" == Ish Rattan <ishwar@pali.cps.cmich.edu> writes:

	Ish> How do I process the tex file (eg. book.tex)? Command
	Ish> latex book.tex
	Ish> stops with unrecognized sequence error..
	Ish> Is the documentation available in postscript/pdf format?

First: yes, the documentation is available on the Web:

  + in PS format: <http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/doc/oskit.ps.gz> .
  + online HTML:  <http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/html/oskit-www.html>
  + HTML package: <http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/doc/oskit.html.tar.gz>

If for some reason you really want to format the document yourself:

  + Uncomment the `doc' line in `modules.x86.pc', so that the `confgiure'
    script will create the `doc/GNUmakefile' in your build tree.

  + Run `configure'.

(If you've already made an OSKit build tree, you can easily make the
`doc/GNUmakefile' yourself, by copying `doc/GNUmakefile.in' and making the
necessary variable substitutions by hand.)

  + cd <your-oskit-build-dir>/doc

  + make

If all goes well, you'll have an `oskit.ps'.

Note that we use teTeX 1.0 and a fairly up-to-date set of add-on packages
(notably, the Hyperref package).  You will need a similarly up-to-date LaTeX
setup in order to process the document.


Eric Eide <eeide@cs.utah.edu>  .         University of Utah School of Computing
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~eeide/ . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX
