
Re: compiling problem

> I'd like to know how to compile the simplest program.

This is from oskit/example/x86/GNUmakerules:

hello: $(OBJDIR)/lib/multiboot.o hello.o $(DEPENDLIBS)
        $(OSKIT_QUIET_MAKE_INFORM) "Linking example $@"
        $(LD) -Ttext 100000 $(LDFLAGS) $(OSKIT_LDFLAGS) \
                -o $@ $(filter-out %.a,$^)              \
                -loskit_clientos -loskit_kern -loskit_lmm \
                $(CLIB) $(OBJDIR)/lib/crtn.o

As you can see, liboskit_clientos liboskit_kern and liboskit_lmm 
are linked into the 'hello' kernel. Try a few of the example kernel
and watch the commands which are used for compiling them. 


Daniel Wagner                       "Don't drink and derive."        
email: wagi@gmx.ch

GnuPG: 1024D/DCDE890A (public key available on any keyserver)
