
Re: sproc - assertion "vm" failed - in Bochs IA32 emulator


Seems it is the same problem Mr. Chung reported. 

This assertion failure means, 

- a page fault occured,
- and the accessed memory address that caused the page fault is outside
  the kernel region (i.e. the fault occured in a user address space),
- but no virtual address space is associated with current running

Hum..  The problem might depend on hardware configuration.  For
example, I only tested the UVM/sproc code on Pentium class CPU so
there might be a problem on 486 class.  So, please let me know the
detail of your hardware configuration and the boot loader you are
using.  (I only tested on GRUB-NetBoot).

Also, if possible, please send the results of GDB commands "where",
"p/x *p" and "p/x va" when the assertion failed.


At Fri, 12 Apr 2002 21:56:52 +0100 (BST),
Ryan Baldwin <ryanb486@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I've been trying to run the example from the sproc
> directory from the 20020317 snapshot. I'm using the
> bochs 1.3 IA32 emulator to run the example. 
> The problem is that assertion "vm" fails on line 110
> of /uvm/uvm/oskit_uvm_pfault.c
> The preceeding output is:
> UVM: page directory pa = 1153000, PTE_BASE =
> 0x3f800000
> UVM: loaded physical memory block [0x115c000 -
> 0x1fffffff ]
> UVM: loaded physical memory block [0x4c4000 -
> 0xa19fff]
> UVM: 20456 KB (5114 pages) reserved
> UVM: kernel VA starts at 0x2000000
> I am new to this source code and currently working
> through it to see if I can find what might be the
> problem, but if someone knows what is causing this I
> would be very greatfull for some help.
> Thanks 
> 	Ryan
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