
Re: any sugestions welecome( need sanity check )

 --- Ryan Baldwin <ryanb486@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: > 
I realised that fdisk is reporting incorect geometry
for the disk, so I describe the geometry to vnconfig
as follows:

vnconfig /dev/vn0 ./c.img xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx

but fdisk still reports incorrect geometry for in core
disk label and same problem persists. I belive this is
the cause of the problem(I cant see what else would
be). So I guess they question is more how do I get
FreeBsd to interpert the image correctly .

> Hello
> I've posted this here hoping some of you guys are
> familiar with this stuff and might at least be able
> to
> give me a quick sanity check. If this is an
> inapropriate posting please let me know.
> Brefly what I have done is create a disk image, and
> used dlxlinux in bochs IA32 emulator to fdisk the
> image and then created a fs with mke2fs.
> Next I mounted this fs from Freebsd as follows:
> vnconfig /dev/vn0 ./c.img
> mount -t ext2fs /dev/vn0s1 ./mymnt
> I then copied in my stuff and used grub to install
> grub as bootloader.
> This all worked great.
> The problem is that now I can't seem to mount the
> partition again. I can mount it ok under dlxlinux,
> Grub mounts it fine to load the kernel - but when I
> try to mount it from FreeBSD mount complians of:
> ext2fs: /dev/vn0s1: Invalid argument
> .... /kernel: ext2fs: #vn/0x2002: wrong magic number
> 0x656d(expected 0xef53)
> but seems to randomly omit the second line.
> I am using exactly the same method as I did
> originaly(
> shown above )
> Now I have mounted this fs previously, I can mount
> it
> fine from dlxlinux running under bochs. Grub mounts
> it
> ok to load the kernel image, The image still boots
> ok.
> fdisk /dev/vn0 under FreeBsd reports the correct
> partition infomation -
> I have tried repeating the process from
> afresh(creating image, using dlxlinux to fdisk a
> partition and create ext2fs fs) thinking that maybe
> Grub destroyed some infomation which allowed FreeBsd
> to mount the fs originaly but get the same
> problem(except it find magic no 0x0 instead).
> The most frustrating thing is that I did this all
> fine
> first time arount and am sure I am doing exactly the
> same thing - I have considred re-booting the machine
> but surely this shouldent be
> needed(It is hassel to do so).
> I reaslise it seems I must be doing something
> completely wrong but 'c.img' contains a fully
> bootable
> image with a ext2fs fs on the first partition which
> both grub and dlxlinux mount
> without complaint. Surely the above procedure should
> work(I'm sure it did first time around) and I'm sure
> my blood presure has doubled since.
> Any suggestions would be welcome.
>         Ryan
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