
Re: sproc error:segmentation fault

At Mon, 5 Aug 2002 08:55:35 +0100 (BST),
zheng helen wrote:
> when the kernel examples/x86/sproc/kernel,it is made
> with : mkmb2 kernel swapfile ...,but if it is booted
> from the Image ,it will show following error inf:
> kernel asseration "vm" failed: file
> "../../uvm/uvm/x86/uvm_pfault.c" line 113.

Ah, this is known problem and have not fixed yet. Please check
and search by keyword `assertion "vm" failed'.

Can you tell me any hardware difference between "good pc" (sproc
works) and "bad pc" (not work) ?  Do you use 486 cpu?

Kota Abe
Media Center, Osaka City Univ.
