
Re: New release?

> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 07:41:44 -0800
> To: oskit-users@fast.cs.utah.edu
> From: Geoff White <geoffw@cybertribe.com>
> Subject: New release?
> I'm about to start on a significant project using OSKit and would like to 
> know if there is a new release coming out within the next month or so. You 
> can mail me off-line if you want and I'll keep any secrets. Is there a 
> public read-only cvs tree that is serving  "current" 

Its possible there will be another release soon (in the next month).
My hope would be to integrate the driver work that Joachim did, the
Alpha support that has been distributed as a separate patch, and whatever
bug fixes have been posted.  But that is going to require time and energy,
I don't have either at the moment.

There have been no other significant changes to the OSKit, so we are not
holding out on ya!