Source location =============== Please find the sources for the packages at ARMedslack only includes the sources in situations when: 1. We cannot use the same version as Slackware (either because it refuses to compile, or it lacks ARM support). 2. Slackware uses an upstream binary release (such as Mozilla FireFox). In most cases this was resolved with the Slackware64 port which included sources for Firefox et al. 3. Patches are always included in the Slackware ARM source tree and if necessary are submitted upstream; but this is rare since most ARM specific patches are taken from Debian or Gentoo which in turn submit upstream. Building ARMedslack packages ============================ In order to rebuild the packages using the ARMedslack source tree, you need a copy of the 'slackkit' package which contains many shell library functions used by the package build scripts. An installable Slackware package can be found at: You will need to modify the configuration script: /usr/share/slackdev/slackdev.config to point to your Slackware x86_64 tree, which contains the package source archives, and also configure where you'd like your newly build packages to be deposited. You'll also need a copy of the Slackware source tree. You can use either the Slackware 32bit or 64 bit tree. Slackware ARM's default configuration uses the 64 bit tree because it contains sources for Mozilla firefox and others. To quickly get going here is an example: ----------------------------------------- As root on your ARM box: # cd /root Sync the Slackware/x86_64 tree: # rsync -Pavv . Sync the armedslack tree: # rsync -Pavv . Install the armedslack devkit packge: # wget # installpkg slackkit-1.00-arm-1.tgz Configure the armedslack devkit: # vi /usr/share/slackdev/slackdev.config Find the line: export PKGSTORE=${PKGSTORE:-$HOME/tgzstash} Packages are also installed from this location if they need to be installed prior to a build, or referenced/extracted during a build as a dependency of some sort. If you're following this example to the letter, you can leave this config file as it is, and continue exactly as below: # ln -vfs armedslack-current/slackware tgzstash You can then, as root, run the ARMedslack build scripts as: # cd armedslack-current/source/a/bash ## for example # ./arm/build The "arm/build" script sets the version number and ensures that any pre-build requirements are met. ******** You cannot run "pkgname.SlackBuild" as you can with the * Note * usual SlackBuild scripts - they MUST be run from "arm/build" ******** Your package will be built and will replace the version in /root/armedslack-current/slackware/a If you have any questions about the Slackware ARM source tree, please get in contact with me directly: Stuart Winter -- 31-Mar-2009