The CMU Mach-US Multiserver Operating System

The Mach-US system is an OS developed as part of the Carnegie Mellon MACH project. It is comprised of a set of servers, each of which supports orthogonal system services. For example, instead of a single server or monolithic OS supplying all of the system services, the Mach Multiserver (Mach-US) has several servers: a process manager a file server, a tty server, an authentication server, a network server, etc. It also has and emulation library that is mapped dynamically into each user process, and uses the system servers to support the application programmers interface (API) of the UNIX operating system.

The Mach-US Architecture


Mach-US: Properties of the CMU Mach Multi-server OS

Mach-US: Research Rationale

Mach-US: Status

Recent Mach-US Events

Tech Transfer

J. Mark Stevenson,