
Re: how to compile kernel with OSKit 0.97

On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Aaron Walker wrote:
> How would I go about compiling and linking kernels (for example, the
> hello world kernel) with OSKit 0.97?
> I am using RedHat 5.2 with gcc.

The easiest way to compile kernels is to use the i586-oskit-gcc (could be
i486 or i386, depending) cross compiler that got placed in the bin
directory of where ever you installed the oskit. This is calles gcc with
all the correct options (use -v if you're curious) and all you have to do
is make sure you specify any unusual libs when you compile. All the needed
standard (well, oskit standard) c libs are included just like a normal c
compiler would.

Good luck,

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