
Re: install problem

The following patch to flask/GNUmakerules should paper over any annoying
problems with the execute bit being set on the shell scripts.  (Our future
distribution files will have the execute bits set on the scripts, but this
approach continues to work if you accidentally clear them somehow, or apply
patches, etc.)

Index: GNUmakerules
RCS file: /usr/lsrc/flux/CVS/oskit/flask/GNUmakerules,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -b -p -r1.4 -r1.5
--- GNUmakerules	1999/02/03 18:49:24	1.4
+++ GNUmakerules	1999/02/08 21:27:28	1.5
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ include $(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/GNUmakerules
 # Generate the security class symbols
 $(STARGET:.h=.%):  $(SDEPEND) $(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mksecurity.sh
-	$(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mksecurity.sh $(AWK) $(SPARAM) $(SINPUT)
+	$(SHELL) $(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mksecurity.sh $(AWK) $(SPARAM) $(SINPUT)
 # Generate the access vector permission symbols
 $(ATARGET:.h=.%):  $(ADEPEND) $(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mkaccess_vector.sh
-	$(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mkaccess_vector.sh $(AWK) $(ADEPEND)
+	$(SHELL) $(OSKIT_SRCDIR)/flask/mkaccess_vector.sh $(AWK) $(ADEPEND)
 install: $(IHFILES) $(IQFILES)

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