
bootp problems using netboot kernel


I'm trying to use the netboot kernel, but I'm having a problem with bootpd on my server.  Bootpd runs fine, I've use the bootptest program to test it on the server machine and it appears to be working OK and sending out all the requisite information.  How
ever, when I try to use the netboot kernel, it complains about not being given enough information.  I bunged a few lines of code in netboot to show what information it was getting, and it's just the IP address.

This is the line in my /etc/bootptab file corresponding to the box running netboot:


The server is, running Linux 2.2.1 with bootpd V2.4.3 release 4, from the RedHat 5.0 (Hurricane) distribution.  My Ne2000 ethernet card is being detected OK.

anyone got any ideas?


pete hollobon  -  01904 655877  -  ph116@york.ac.uk

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