
om (oskit)

You don't recognise the above sender bekuze I am noo (pronounced like "moo"). =)

Okay enough lamenes (as if I ever let up). My project is at the link in the sig.
What I am trying to do now is develop a functioning 16 bit prototype of my OS
for research purposes. :) I have given up on writing a linker to load the
modules and have decided to simply load them as binariez. This still leaves many
problems such as compiling code for sixteen bitz. I can use the bios for most
hardwarez but I still need a heafty wad of stuff to write the various
managers... So what does OSKIT have to offer? (skelital source and half-finished
docs available)

Please note that my extreme lameness extends to my current OS, ie. I still use
DOS (because linux sucks so bad I can't use it.), So a PKZIP version of the kit
would be much appreciated. (I can't stand tar.gz)

The anemone of my enemy is my friend.

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