
Re: grub and LS120

David Yeske wrote:

> Has anyone tried using grub on an LS120?  I tried using the
> "Generate your own "netboot" floppy customized for your ethernet
> hardware," and it hung when it tried to boot.  My LS120 is an ide one
> that is master on my second controller...

yo, i tried it and succeeded.  (with grub 0.5)

The problem is the floppy-geometry detection routine. It tries
2,8 MB floppies with 36 Tracks and succeeds doing this on an LS-120 drive.
-> The LS-120 drive 'allows' 36 tracks, even when the disk
has only 18 :-|

My solution was to modify the stage1 source. Removing the number 36
from the list of tracks to test did it.

If necessary i can post/mail  the diff... (if i can find the source again :-)


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