
Re: om (oskit)

The OSKit uses "Multboot" conventions, which sets things up in 32-bit
mode right away.  So I don't know how much help the OSKit is going to
be if you really insist on living in a 16-bit world.  Others on this
list are more knowledgeable about x86 and PC arcana and may have
something to add or correct.
	This still leaves many problems such as compiling code for sixteen
Why make life hard on yourself?  Use 32 bits.

The OSKit does provide a large number of higher level components like
network protocols and filesystems, with all dependencies formally
externalized, that you could conceivably use if you got the right

We also have a DOS extender called MOSS which uses a lot of code that
evolved into parts of the OSKit.  Perhaps that would be useful to you.
You can find it linked http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oldproj.html.

	So what does OSKIT have to offer?
I suggest you look at the docs, starting with the base page
http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit, and in particular,
http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/doc/roadmap.html which is pretty
short.  From there, the kernel lib might be of particular interest.

	I have given up on writing a linker to load the modules and have
	decided to simply load them as binariez.
The next OSKit release will include dynamic linking support.  It's
pretty much working now, but it goes along with a lot of other
changes, that aren't all done, in parts of the OSKit.
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