
Re: small copy

The oskit doesn't really have large and small versions of the source
code.  You can download the entire thing at:


  Grab either oskit-0.97.tar.gz or the april 2 snapshot,

  For general information about operating systems, you could simply
start from our pages and follow lots of links.  Alternately, try this
page of links to operating system projects and tutorials:



Lo and Behold, Edwin Antonio Ochoa C said:
> Where can I find out a small copy of the oskit ?
> What pages do you recommend to visit ?(about operating systems)
> Thanks
> Edwin

work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah                            http://www.angio.net/
      Computer Science - Flux Research Group   "What's footnote FIVE?"
