
Re: FYI: vmware + oskit

> > I was just playing around with booting oskit kernels under VMWare, and
> > they seem to work fine.
> Cool; very neat!  Looks like both sides must have done a good job.
> Yes, VMware is supposed to be very handy.  I didn't know until now
> that it worked for general experimental OS code, though,
> but it makes sense that it does.  Are you running the
> base-Linux or base-NT version?

I tried installing VMWare on my Linux machine, but noticed that I can't do
anything without a floppy drive to boot another OS! 

Am I correct in assuming this? It does seem that the "virtual disk"s are
portable though, perhaps someone could create a disk image that just boots
netboot. This would enable booting kernels off the host os with the normal
dhcp routine. 

Anyone willing to do me this favour?  :-)

John Leuner
