
link-time trouble..


I'm having troubles at link time. To explain, here I paste the ld command
I'm using:

ld -Ttext 100000 /usr/local/lib/oskit/multiboot.o kernel.o \ 
conio.o interface.o proc.o tasks.o -loskit_startup \
-loskit_clientos -loskit_linux_fs \
-loskit_linux_dev -loskit_dev -loskit_diskpart -loskit_fsnamespace \
-loskit_kern -loskit_lmm -loskit_c /usr/local/lib/oskit/crtn.o \
-L/usr/local/lib/oskit -L/usr/local/lib/boot -nostdlib  -static -o mmk.o

and these are the errors I get (lines wrapped for the sake of readibility)

/usr/local/lib/liboskit_linux_fs.a(super.o): In function `FS_LINUX_mount_root':
undefined reference to `floppy_eject'
undefined reference to `wait_for_keypress'

what's wrong with it? I have the latest oskit snapshot, installed and
compiled from scratch, deleting old oskit files, etc etc. so it's a clean

I really don't know what's happening!

Thanks in advance!

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