
Re: Hello, getting Kaffe and the OS-Kit running

>   I found your OS-Kit page the other day and saw the Kaffe, Java OS
>   thing and was very intrigued... I have a completely blank Machine,
>   no os or nothing my question comes what do I need to get this
>   running,

You'll need to compile the OSKit, and then compile Kaffe using the
OSKit header files, libraries, and compiler wrapper.  All of that
magic is provided in the Kaffe distribution.  (The READMEs should get
you through that).

However, that's all that you get.  You can run Java applications on
the bare hardware, but if you don't have any Java apps that would be
useful for this, then you probably don't need Kaffe/OSKit.

>   I read the howto but that assumed a few things I don't know namely
>   the operating system running etc.. any help would be greatly
>   apreciated..

You'll need a working Linux or FreeBSD system to compile the OSKit and 
Kaffe.  (you'll need the standard tools, too, of course).


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
      That which does not kill you just didn't try hard enough.
