
Re: CVS authorization failed

Assar Westerlund <assar@sics.se> writes:

> This depends on your version of cvs.

I have CVS 1.10.8 on i486-debian-linux-gnu.

> try:
> cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@fluxcvs.cs.utah.edu:/cvs login

That gives me the same error.  Here's the end of a strace
listing, in case it helps:

connect(3, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(2401), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}}, 16) = 0
send(3, "BEGIN VERIFICATION REQUEST\n", 27, 0) = 27
send(3, "/cvs", 4, 0)                   = 4
send(3, "\n", 1, 0)                     = 1
send(3, "anoncvs", 7, 0)                = 7
send(3, "\n", 1, 0)                     = 1
send(3, "A", 1, 0)                      = 1
send(3, "\n", 1, 0)                     = 1
send(3, "END VERIFICATION REQUEST\n", 25, 0) = 25
recv(3, "I", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, " ", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "H", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "A", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "T", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "E", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, " ", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "Y", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "O", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "U", 1, 0)                      = 1
recv(3, "\n", 1, 0)                     = 1
shutdown(3, 2 /* send and receive */)   = 0
write(2, "cvs", 3cvs)                      = 3
write(2, " ", 1 )                        = 1
write(2, "login", 5login)                    = 5
write(2, ": ", 2: )                       = 2
write(2, "authorization failed: server ", 29authorization failed: server ) = 29
write(2, "fluxcvs.cs.utah.edu", 19fluxcvs.cs.utah.edu)     = 19
write(2, " rejected access", 16 rejected access)        = 16
write(2, "\n", 1
)                       = 1
munmap(0x40014000, 4096)                = 0
_exit(1)                                = ?

Follow-Ups: References: