
Re: CVS authorization failed

Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <tosi@ees2.oulu.fi> writes:
> Assar Westerlund <assar@sics.se> writes:
> > This depends on your version of cvs.
> I have CVS 1.10.8 on i486-debian-linux-gnu.

I've not tried with that version, but I'm fairly sure that the
explanation below applies to you anyway.

> > try:
> > 
> > cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@fluxcvs.cs.utah.edu:/cvs login
> That gives me the same error.  Here's the end of a strace
> listing, in case it helps:

Actually, the picky program does care if the password you type is
empty or not.  If I do the above-mentioned command with an empty
password I get the same error you got, but with typing just anything,
it works ok.  Hope this helps.


Follow-Ups: References: