
Re: BUG (?) in oskit lance driver

While I'm grateful for a VMware solution, this looks to me like a pretty
fishy fix. It is really possible to have multiple lance cards on the same
PCI bus, and the fix doesn't address that at all.

For the benefit of those of us who may end up writing OsKit drivers someday,
would it be possible to provide an explanation of how the configuration
logic in the Linux driver emulator discovers that a device has already been



> I believe Kota Abe fixed this problem recently.  He can comment more on
> his experience with the lance driver.  The fix goes something like this:
> + #ifdef OSKIT
> + static int first = 1;
> + if (first) {
> +     first = 0;
> + } else {
> +     return -ENODEV;
> + }
> + #endif
> +
